Microsoft Azure

Secure Your Infrastructure To Protect Your Business.

Upgrade your infrastructure security for the new normal.
The vast scale of recent operational challenges: en masse remote working, new cybersecurity threats and evolving regulatory requirements—is forcing leaders to address infrastructure vulnerabilities quickly. Your security team will be in a constant battle to keep up with new risks while maintaining compliance and enabling the business. Likely, some of your current tools are not keeping pace. Our advanced security services, built on the latest Azure technology, can help you protect your entire business infrastructure.

  • Azure Active Directory (P2)
    Automate the detection and remediation of identity-based risks, investigate risks using data in the portal, and export your data for further analysis.
  • DDos Protection
    Mitigate DDoS threats within every Azure region, benefit from multi-layered protection and near-real-time attack detection, and leverage an alerting system that notifies you when an application is compromised.
  • Azure Backup and Disaster Recovery
    Remain compliant with expanding regulatory requirements for data governance, gain peace of mind with 99.9% service availability, and use automated failover function.
  • Azure Security Center
    Benefit from threat detection and prevention across hybrid workloads, scan vulnerabilities across your virtual machines, and container registries, and monitor and profile user behavior.

Detect and respond to threats – before they affect your business. Large-scale adoption of work-from-home technologies, greater use of online services, and growing amounts of data all present fresh openings, which cyber attackers are eager to exploit. Make sure they don’t. Speak to us to find out how we can support you.

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